
Yasar Gürbüz
Dr. Yasar Gurbuz was born in Ankara, Turkey in 1968. He received the B.Sc. degree in Electronics Engineering in 1990, the M.S. degree in 1993 and Ph. D. degree in 1997 in Electrical Engineering. He worked as a senior research associate at Vanderbilt University in between 1997 and 1999 in the USA. He worked at Aselsan Inc., in Ankara, between 1999 and 2000 before joining Sabanci University, in Istanbul, as a faculty member in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences in 2000. His research focuses on Electronics/Microelectronic Systems and includes RF/Microwave Integrated Circuits/Systems, Analog- and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits, MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, and Semiconductors. He is a member of IEEE and SPIE.
He married to Melike Gurbuz in 1991 and they have two sons, Oguz Kaan and Hakan Can.
Main research area: Electronics // Microelectronics
Specific Areas of Research
- RF/Microwave/THz Integrated Circuits/Systems
- Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits and their Applications, such as Readout integrated circuits (ROIC) for sensors/detectors, ADC, DAC
- RFMEMS; MEM-switch, MEM-varactor, micromachined-inductor, compatible with Si-based IC Circuits/Systems
- Sensors/Detectors and Actuators: IR, Biological, Chemical, Mechanical Applications
- Integrated Circuit (IC) Technologies and Devices
- Semiconductors: Silicon, SiGe, GaAs, GaN, Diamond
- Carbon-driven (Diamond, CNT, Graphene) Sensors and Electronic Devices
More Information
2009 - Present Professor, Faculty Member Program Coordinator (Equivalent to Program Chair Position) (6-years)
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences -
2018(June-July) Visiting Research Prof. at Circuits Research Group
Electrical Engineering at Jocobs School of Engineering -
2008(June-Sept) Visiting Research Prof. at Diamond Microelectronics Research Lab
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering -
2004(June-Sept) Visiting Research Prof. at Diamond Technology Research Lab
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering -
2002 - 2009 Associate Professor, Faculty Member Program Coordinator (for 4-years)
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences -
2000 - 2002 Assistant Professor, Founding Faculty Member Program Coorditor (for 1-year)
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences -
1999 - 2000 Chief Engineer / Project Supervisor
ASELSAN Inc. , Ankara, TR
Microelectronics Guidance Electro Optic (MGEO) Division -
1997 - 1999 Senior Research Scientist - Project Manager
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering -
1997 - 1998 Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering -
1996 - 1998 Consultant, Part-time
PHYSITRON Inc. , Huntsville, Alabama / USA, -
1991 - 1997 Teaching and Research Assistant
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Education Background (PhD’97, MSc’93, BSc’90)
Vanderbilt University , Nashville, TN, USA
Degree: Ph. D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering
Date of Completion: 05/1997
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Degree: Master of Science, Electrical Engineering
Date of Completion: 08/1993
Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
Degree: Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering
Date of Completion: 06/1990
List of Courses thought as the primary teacher since at Sabanci University since 2000
Undergraduate Level Courses:
- ENS 203 Electronic Circuits I (and Lab)
- EE 200 Electronics Lab Implementation
- EL 202 Electronic Circuits II (and Lab)
- EL 204 Intro to Electronic Components (Semicon Physics and Devices)
- EL 303 Analog Integrated Circuits
- EL 404 Int. to Microelectromech. Sys.
- EE 411 RF Integrated Circuits
- EL 407 Semiconductor Manufacturing
- EL 480 Spc.Top.in Microelectronics
Graduate Level Courses:
- EE 533 Semiconductor Process Technology
- EE 580 Special Topics in Microelectronics – Mixed – Signal Integrated Circuits
- EE 626 Microelectromechanical Sys.
- EE 632 Mixed-Signal VLSI Sys. Design
- EE 633 Microwave Devices & Circuits
- EE 639 Adv. RF and Microwave Circuit Design
- EE 631 Integrated Optics&Optoelectronics (Co-ordinator)
- EE 680 Select.Top.in Microelect.I
- EE 681 Select.Top.in Microelect.II
Seminar Courses Organized:
- EE 551 Graduate Seminar I
- EE 552 Graduate Seminar II
Project Courses Supervised:
- PROJ102 Freshman Project Course
- ENS492 Graduation Project(Implement.)
- ENS491 Graduation Project (Design)
- PROJ302 Summer Project
Thesis Courses:
- EE590 Master Thesis
- EE790 Ph.D.Dissertation
More Information
Contracted Projects – Ongoing (PI):
- PHASE II: Development of Full-Dublex Tx/Rx Development Using SiGe BiCMOS Technology for 28 GHz/5G Application, ASELSAN Inc., E.A.CF-20-02253, ASELSAN Inc., 01/03/2019-01/03/2020, 200.000 USD
- 4 x Channel-MIMO Integrated System Development for 26 GHz/5G Applications, ASELSAN Inc., E.A.CF-19-02061, 01/09/2019-01.06.2021, 285.000 USD
- Low-Noise High Linearity Amplifiers for 5G MassMIMO and Low-Noise mm-wave 5G Amplifiers, Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) (USA), E.A.CF-20-02254, 225.000 USD
- High Performance PCB dielectric material and packaging development for RF and mm-wave application, ASELSAN Inc., EACF- 20- 02127, 01/10/2019-01/10/2021, 1.100.000 USD
- Wideband Low Noise X-to-K Band SiGe BiCMOS T/R Module Core-Chip, TUBITAK 1001, 120E345, 01.15.2021-01.14.204, ((720.000 TL (100.000USD + %50 Overhead)) (Co-PI, PI: Assist. Prof. Melik Yazıcı)
- A Low Phase Noise SiGe BiCMOS Frequency Synthesizer for 5G Communication Systems, TUBITAK 1001, 120E328, 01.15.2021-01.14.204, ((720.000 TL (100.000USD + %50 Overhead))
- Plasmon-enhanced HOT LWIR Photodetectors (PELWIR), Sabanci University (SUMER) - VIGO System S.A. (Poland) Joint Project Project, sponsored TÜBITAK (Turkey) and NCBR (Poland), 120N425, 01.15.2021-01.14.204, ((720.000 TL (100.000USD + %50 Overhead)) (Co-PI, PI: Dr. Omer Ceylan)
- 2-GSPS 8-bit Asynchronous Time-Interleaved Successive Approximation Register (SAR) Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) for MM-wave Radar and Wideband Communication Applications, TUBITAK 1001, T.A.CF-19-01985, 118E828-01.13.2019-01.03.202, ((650.000 TL (120.000USD + %50 Overhead))
- Human Brain Project (HBP), EU-FP7-FET Flagship Program (EU), 2013-2023 (Total Budget: 1 billion Euro), (more active in 2013-1017, involved actively with Grant Agreement ID: 604102, Start Date: 1 October 2013-End Date: 28 February 2017, Funded Under FP7-ICT, Overall Budget 72.5 M€ Sabanci Team’s Budget: 265.000Euro) (also partner in Ramp-up Phases) (https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/)
Contracted Projects, Successfully Completed:
As a PI and coordinated in my research group (2000-2022), listed under funding agenciesIndustrial Research Funds: (ASELSAN Inc. - https://www.aselsan.com.tr )
and Lockheed Martin Inc. USA - https://www.lockheedmartin.com )
- PHASE I: Development of Full-Dublex Tx/Rx Development Using SiGe BiCMOS Technology for 28 GHz/5G Application, ASELSAN Inc., E.A.CF-19-01986, 01/03/2019-01/03/2020, 150.000 USD
- Verifiable Delay Functions (VDF) Implementation for Cryptography Applications, Supranational, LLC-USA, (Researcher/leading the hardware implementation team in this project, Advisor/Consultant, PI: Asist. Prof. Erdinç Öztürk), 01/09/2019-1/30/20, 65.000 USD
- WideBand/Programmable X-Band TR Module/Core Chip Development, ASELSAN Inc., E.A.CF-16-01566, 01/08/2015-05/08/2018, 1.002.000 USD
- WideBand/Programmable X-Band Phase Shifter and Attenuator Module, ASELSAN Inc., E.A.CF-15-01431, 4/1/2015 - 01/01/2018, 338.000 USD
- TDI-Based Readout Integrated Circuit (ROIC) Development for 288x4 IR Detectors, ASELSAN Inc., EACF06-00388, 01/01/2006-01/01/2009, 165.000USD
- Development of (576x7) Readout Integrated Circuit (ROIC) Development, ASELSAN Inc., EACF09-00658, 01/01/2009-01/01/2012, 235.000USD
- Low Quantization Noise and High Charge Storage Capable-Digital CMOS ROIC Development for 640x512 LWIR Detectors, ASELSAN Inc. and Ministry of Industry Joint-SANTEZ National Program, S.A.CF-13-01084, 01/05/2013-30/04/2015, 608.194 TL (300.000USD)
- Low Power, TDI Based Digital ROIC for Scanning 720x8 LWIR Detectors, ASELSAN Inc. and Ministry of Industry Joint-SANTEZ National Program, S.A.CF-13-01085, 01/05/2013-30/10/2015, 463.441 TL (230.000USD)
- High Dynamic Range (Dual Band) and High SNR ROIC, ASELSAN Inc. and Ministry of Industry Joint-SANTEZ National Program, S.A.CF-13-01086, 01/05/2013-30/10/2015, 639.549TL (320.000USD)
- X Band SiGe Phase Shifter, part of Tx/Rx (Radar) Module, Lockheed Martin Inc. USA, E.A.CF-12-00978 , Lockheed Martin, 10/02/2012-31/12/2012, 40.000USD
- Heat Harvesting, Phase I, II, III, IV and V, Lockheed Martin Inc.-USA, E.A.CF-12-00986, E.A.CF-13-01147, E.A.CF-15-01432, E.A.CF-15-01483, E.A.CF-17-01718, 03/09/2013 – 03/09/2018, 800.000USD Funding Agencies: TUBITAK (THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKEY - https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/en) and DPT (State Department of Planning, now Precidency of Turkish Republi-Strategy and Budget Agency - https://www.sbb.gov.tr)
- Adaptive Self-Interference Cancellation Based Full Duplex RF Front-End for 5G Phased Arrays operating at 28 GHz, TUBITAK-1001, TACF-18-01922, 15/11/2018-15/11/2020, 390.000 TL (70.000USD + %50 overhead)
- Integrated Radiometer RF Imaging System Development at 94 GHz Using SiGe BiCMOS Technology, TUBITAK-1001, T.A.CF-15-01420, 5/15/2015 - 5/15/2018, 580.500 TL (225.000 USD)
- RF-MEMS Controlled/Tuned Monolithic 140 GHz Radiometer and 240 GHz Spectrometer FrontEnd Circuit/System Development Using SiGe BiCMOS Technology, TUBITAK-1003, T.A.CF-15-1469, 10/1/2015-10/1/2018, 3.722.557 TL (1.368.587 USD)
- High Performance, Monocrystalline SiGe Quantum Well Based 360x240 and Low Cost 80x60 Focal Plane Array IR Imaging Module Development, TUBITAK-1003, T.A.SN-16-01544, 2/15/2016-2/15/2019, 3.133.599 TL (976.199 USD).
- Handheld-Point of Care Lab-on-a-Chip Biomedical Sensor Module for the Detection and Quantification of Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Markers, TUBITAK-1003, T.A.CF-14-01202, 3/1/2014-3/1/2017, 2.494.000 TL (1.144.037 USD))
- Low Power Digital Readout Integrated Circuits for LWIR and MWIR Detectors / Imaging Systems,TUBITAK-1001, T.A.CF-14-01244, 8/1/2014-8/1/2017, 440.892 TL (202.244 USD)
- Development of High Performance Transceiver Sub-Circuits and RF MEMS Passives for IEEE 802.11a/15, TUBITAK-1001, T.A.CF-06-00367, 01/06/2006-01/06/2009, 474.600TL (235.000USD)
- Digital CMOS ROIC with Low Quantization Noise and Charge Storage Capability for IR Imaging Systems, TUBITAK-1001, T.A.CF-12-00933, 01.04.2012-01.04.2014, 239.992TL, (134.074 USD)
- X-Band Phase Array Transceiver Module Using SiGe BiCMOS and RFMEMS Technologies, TUBITAK-1001, T.A.CF-10-00773, 01/10/2010-01/10/2013, 353.037 TL (246.879 USD)
- RF Transmitter - Based Transducer for Biosensor Applications, TUBITAK-1001, TACF07-00478, 01/07/2007-01/07/2010, 360.000TL (281.250USD)
- Development of micromachined chemical sensors and signal read-out circuitry, TÜBİTAK-1001, Sept. 2001 -Dec. 2004, 43.000 TL (33.000USD)
- Protein microchip design; cardiovascular risk assessment platform, DPT (State Planning Agency), EACF05-00302/2, August 2005- July 2008, 197.000YTL (150.381USD) Projects with active involvement, from the idea development until the completion, as a Co-PI and/ or researcher:
- Microbiological Transformation of semiconductor nanoparticals, (PI: Dr. Anjum Qureshi) TUBITAK-1001, T.A.CF-13-01091, 01/05/2013-01/05/2016, 359.933TL, (199.962USD)
- In-vitro selection of ssDNA aptamers and their use for the development of label-free aptamer based biosensors for cancer diagnosis, (PI: Dr. Javed Kolkar), TUBITAK-1001, T.A.CF-11-00809, 01/05/2010-01/05/2013, 359.000TL, (239.333USD)
- BioSensor Development using optical transduction for the detection of cardiovascular risk markers, (PI: Prof. Huveyda Başağa), TUBITAK-1001, TACF05-00305, May 2005 -April 2007, 156.780 YTL (119.679 USD)
- Processing for Submicron Imaging Supercritical CO2: Design and Synthesis of Photoresist for 157 nm Lithography (Researcher, PI: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Menceloğlu), TUBITAK-NSF, ACF02-00095, (Univ. of North Carolina was the US partner), May 2002 -Dec. 2004, 15.000 USD Funding Agency: European Union (EU) Projects
- TARGET (Top Amplifier Rearch Group), (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/71157/factsheet/en, EU-FP 6-NoE, EACF04-00223,), 05/01/2004-01/01/2009, 127.500.00 €
- MINAEAST-NET, (www.minaeast.net), INCO-CT-2004-510470, EU-6th FrameWork Program – Specific Support Action MicroNano Systems and Subsystems (SSA), EACF04-00248, May 2004 – December 2006, 20.000 Euro Infrastructure Project (as a founding member of the project and also researcher in the implementation phase), from the State Planning Agency (DPT)
- Founding Member and also Researcher at SU Nanotechnology Center, (http://sunum.sabanciuniv.edu) (with more than 13.500.000 USD for Research Infrastructure Development 2008-2011), Funded from DPT (State Planning Agency, Turkey)
Ph.D. Students:
- Tahsin Alper Özkan
M.Sc. Students:
- Cengizhan Kana
- Serhan Özboz
Post Docs/Researcher Supervised:
- Dr. Anjum Qureshi (2007-2010), Researchers at SUNUM, Sabanci University
- Dr. Javed Kolkar (2008-2010), Researchers at SUNUM, Sabanci University
- Dr. Geetesh Mishra, (2016-2017), Researcher at Institute of Postharvest and Food Sciences, Israel
- Dr. Ömer Ceylan, (2016-2018), Assist. Prof, Sabanci University since Oct. 2018
- Dr. Melik Yazıcı, (2016-2019), Assist. Prof, Sabanci University since Oct. 2019
- Dr. Atia Shafique (2018-2019), OmniVision Technologies, Inc., Norvay
- Dr. Can Çalışkan, (Sept. 2019-2020), Sicoya GmbH-Germany
PhD Supervised/Graduated (Alumni)
- Cerin Ninan Kunnatharayil , PhD, 2022, An 8-Bit 100 MS/s Time-Interleaved SAR-Assisted Pipeline ADC with Improved Residue Amplifier, Infineon Technologies-Austria
- Abdurrahman Burak , PhD, 2021, 4x1 MIMO Compact Half Duplex RF T/R Module with High Resolution in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS for 5G Applications, Analog Devices Inc. USA - Design Center in Turkey
- Can Çalışkan , PhD, 2019, Bidirectional common-path for 8-to-24 GHz low noise SiGe BiCMOS T/R module core-chip, Post Doc, Sabanci University
- İlker Kalyoncu , PhD, 2019, Four-element phased-array beamformers and a self-interference canceling full-duplex transciver in 130-nm SiGe for 5G applications at 26 GHz, Analog Devices Inc. USA
- Shahbaz Abbasi , PhD, 2019, A highly digital microbolometer ROIC employing a novel event-based readout and two-step time to digital converters, Symmid, Malaysia.
- Atia Shafique , PhD, 2018, Modeling and characterization of high TCR, low noise Si/Si1_xGex multi-quantum well detector for uncooled microbolometers, Post Doc, Sabanci University
- Emre Özeren , PhD, 2016, High resolution, process and temperature compensated phase shifter design using a self generated look up table, MKR-IC Istanbul Design Center
- Omer Ceylan , PhD, 2016, Digital readout integrated circuit (droic) implementing time delay and integration (TDI) for scanning type infrared focal plane arrays, Post Doc, Sabanci University
- Melik Yazıcı , PhD, 2016, High dynamic range pixel architecture with smart light intensity decision unit, Post Doc, Sabanci University
- Hüseyin Kayahan , PhD, 2013, Pulse frequency modulated DROICs with reduced quantization noise employing extended counting method, Analog Devices Inc. USA,
- Emre Heves , PhD, 2012, PbS colloidal quantum dots based photodetectors for integrated SWIR detection, SUNUM-Sabanci University
- Zeynep Altıntaş , PhD, 2012, Development of nanoparticle-modified sensor platform for cancer marker detection, Post Doc, Cranfield University-England
- Sreenivasa Saravan Kallempudi , PhD, 2011, Development of a new biosensor array and lab-on-a-chip for portable applications using a label-free detection method, Vistec Lithography, Netherland
MSc Thesis Supervised/Graduated (Alumni)
- Ali Bahadır Özdöl, MSc, 2022, Low Noise Amplifiers and Voltage Variable Attenuators for Sub-6 GHZ 5G Receiver Systems, Analog Devices Inc., USA
- Ajten Fejzullahu, MSc, 2022, High Isolation Double-Balanced Down-Converter Mixer Combined with Active Balun and Frequency Synthesizer in SiGe BiCMOS for 5G Applications, Infineon Technologies-Germany
- Erkut Gürol, MSc, 2022, Highly Linear Low Noise Amplifiers Using CMOS SOI and SiGe BiCMOS Technologies for 5G (28 GHz) Applications, UCSD, USA
- Kutay Altıntaş, MSc, 2022, Bidirectional Transceiver Module For 8-28 GHz Phased Array Applications and a Novel Method to Reduce Amplitude and Phase Errors in Variable Gain Amplifiers, Analog Devices Inc., USA
- Nezih Kaan Veziroğlu, MSc, 2022, Design of Voltage Controlled Oscillator and Integer-N Divider for 5G Frequency Synthesizer Applications, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Umut Baris Gogebakan, MSc, 2021, High-Performance Dielectric Substrate Development with Low Dk and Df for RF and mm-wave Applications, Infineon-Austria
- Mir Hassan Mahmud, MSc, 2020 Frequency Synthesizer and Mixer Design for 5G (26 GHz) Communication Systems, UCSD, USA
- Isik Berke Gungor, MSc, 2020, 122 GHz SiGe BiCMOS High Resolution FMCW RADAR Front-End for Remote Sensing Applications, KU Leuven-Belgium
- Tahsin Alper Ozkan, MSc, 2020, Electrical Balance Duplexer Based In-Band Full Duplex System for 5G (28 GHz) Communication Systems, Sabanci University
- Hamza Kandiş, MSc, 2019, 77 GHz SiGe BiCMOS FMCW RADAR for automotive applications, Silicon RADAR (Germany)
- Alper Güner, MSc, 2018, Ka-band full duplex system with electrical balance duplexer for 5G applications using SiGe BiCMOS technology, IHP Microelectronics, Germany
- Emre Can Durmaz, MSc, 2018, HfO2, AI2O3, and ZnO based metal-Insulator-Metal photovoltaic structures for solar cell applications, IHP Microelectronics, Germany
- Eşref Türkmen, MSc, 2018, W/D-Bands single-chip systems in a 0.13μm SiGe BiCMOS technology-dicke radiometer, and frequency extension module for VNAs, Silicon RADAR-Germany
- Arman Galioğlu, MSc, 2017, A 6-Bit Time-Interleaved Asynchronous Successive Approximation Register Analog-to-Digital Converter with 1-Bit Redundancy in 90nm Technology, University of Columbia, USA
- Barbaros Çetindoğan, MSc, 2016, High-resolution vector-sum phase shifters for X-band phased arrays in SiGe BiCMOS, IHP Microelectronics-Germany
- Berktuğ Üstündağ, MSc 2016, 0.13 um SiGe BiCMOS W&D-Band receivers for passive millimeter-wave imaging applications, UCSD, USA
- Mesut İnaç, MSc, 2015, Modeling, design and fabrication of metal-insulator-metal diodes as rectenna element for infrared energy harvesting and detection applications, IHP Microelectronics-Germany
- Murat Davulcu, MSc, 2015, SiGe BiCMOS ICs for X-Band 7-Bit T/R module with high precision amplitude and phase control, Analog Devices USA-Istanbul Design Center
- Can Çalışkan, MSc, 2014, High dynamic range low noise amplifier and wideband hybrid phase shifter for SiGe BiCMOS phased array T/R modules, Sabanci University
- İlker Kalyoncu, MSc, 2013, SiGe BiCMOS 4-bit phase shifter and T/R module for X-band phased arrays, UCSD-USA
- Muhammet Burak Baran, MSc 2012 An ultra wide temperature range R-2R based 8 bit D/A converter for 90nm CMOS technology, KU Leuven
- Tolga Dinç, MSc 2012 SiGe BiCMOS front-end circuits for X-Band phased arrays, Columbia University, USA
- Ferhat Taşdemir, MSc 2011, Capacitance to voltage converter design for biosensor applications, Aselsan Inc.
- Samet Zihir, MSc 2011, An X-Band power amplifier design for on-chip RADAR applications, UCSD-USA
- Melik Yazici, MSc, 2010, Realization of low power, highly linear roic with current mode TDI for long wave infrared detectors, Sabanci University
- Emre Özeren, MSc, 2009, Design and realization of fully integrated multiband and multistandard bi-cmos sigma delta frequency synthesizer, EPFL, Switzerland
- Ömer Ceylan, MSc, 2008, Realization of readout integrated circuit (ROIC) for an array of 72x4 P-on-N type HgCdTe long wave infrared detectors, Sabanci University
- Hüseyin Kayahan, MSc, 2008, Realization of readout integrated circuit (ROIC) for an array of 288x4, N-on-P type HgCdTe long wave infrared detectors, Sabanci University
- Ahmet Kemal Bakkaloğlu, MSc 2008 Realization of a voltage controlled oscillator using 0.35 um sige-bicmos technology for multi-band applications, Arçelik
- Nilüfer Tonga Karakaç, MSc 2007 Design of combined power amplifier using 0.35micron SIGe HBT technology for IEEE 802.11a standard, Profilo Telra Electronics
- Emre Heves, MSc, 2006, Realization of micromachined-electromechanical devices for wireless communication applications, TÜBİTAK-YİTAL
- Mehmet Kaynak, MSc 2006 Realization of a low noise amplifier using 0.35 um SiGe-BicMOS Technology for IEEE 802.11a applications, IHP Microelectronics-Germany
- Beril Seda Çiftçi, MSc 2003 Design and realization of a high speed 64 x 64 - bit multiplier for low power applications, Beko
- Mansoor Naseer, MSc 2003 Flexible microelectromechanical filters for telecommunication electronics, Castpro Electronics
- Mustafa Parlak, MSc 2003 Design and simulation of micro resonator oscillator for communication circuits, TUBİTAK-UEKAE
- Rıza Dönmez, MSc, 2003, Digital implementation of ETSI OFDM symbol synchronizer based on sliding correlation, ST Microelectronics
- Zafer Özgür Gürsoy, MSc, 2003 Design and realization of a 2.4 Gbps - 3.2 Gbps clock and data recovery circuit, ST Microelectronics
- Tuğba Demirci, MSc, 2002, Realization of CMOS compatible micromachined chemical sensors, Cypress Semiconductor
More Information
SUNUM, Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (operational since 2011):
- Micro/Nano Fabrication (Clean Room) Laboratory (total of about 2.3 million USD “grant” investment) (http://sunum.sabanciuniv.edu/en/micronano-fabrication-clean-room-laboratory)
- Microsystems Testing Laboratory (total of about 800 K USD “grant” investment)(http://sunum.sabanciuniv.edu/en/videos/3#overlay-context=en/Laboratory)
Microelectronics/Electronics Engineering Program at FENS (http://sumer.sabanciuniv.edu )
- LAB I - Electronic Circuits Laboratory (2000- …)
- LAB II - Integrated Circuit-DC Test and Characterization Laboratory (2000-…)
- LAB III - RF/Microwave Integrated Circuits Test and Characterization Laboratory
- LAB IV - Process Laboratory – Clean Room (2000-…)
- “More-than-Moore” Joint Virtual Lab with IHP Microelectronics (Germany) (2015-…)
More Information
Faculty / University Services
- Member, Sabanci University - Intellectual Property and Commercialization Committee (2021- )
- Member, INOVENT (http://www.inovent.com.tr/en ), Member of Board of Directors (2020 - )
- Faculty Coordination of Dual-Double PhD Program in Electronics (Microelectronics – Semiconductor Tech.) Engineering in between Sabanci University and National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) Taiwan (2020 - )
- Coordinator of Accreditation Processes for Electronics Engineering Program (2016- 2018)
- Member Faculty Promotion Committee – Sabanci University (2018 - )
- Member of Faculty Accreditation Committee (2016)
- Member of University Ethics Committee (2011- 2014)
- Faculty Executive / Management Board (2009 – 2015)
- Electronics Engineering Program Coordinator (2010-16)
- Faculty Recruitment Committee (2003- )
- Microelectronics/Electronics Enginering Program Coordinator (9 years total in between 2000-2017)
- Member of Curriculum Committee (2002-2006)
- Member of Summer / Practical Training and Senior Design Project Committee (2001-2004)
- University Promotion for candidate students
Expert Services – Proposal/ Project Review / Refereeing
- Development of Roadmap of RF Technology/Systems for Turkish Defense Ministry-Defense Technologies Secretariat, Chair for RF Integrated Circuits Roadmap(2018-2019)
- Member of the Management Board, TUBITAK-EEEAG (THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKEY), Electrical, Electronics, Information Technologies Research Group (2015-2018)
- Expert evaluator for Micro/Nano based sub-systems, EU-IST 6th and 7th Frame Work Strategic Objective Calls Micro/Nano based sub-systems strategic objective, 2006 -2014
- Reviewer for IEEE – MTT-S Scholarship Program since 2006
- Evaluator / Reviewer for TUBA – GEBIP Program
- 2007 TUBITAK - Overseas PhD Scholarship Program Committee / Panel Member
- Member of TÜBİTAK Vision – 2023 Board to write/prepare a Mechatronics / MEMS / Microelectronics Roadmap towards the year 2023. The panel report can be found at http://vizyon2023.tubitak.gov.tr/stratejikteknoloji/mekatronik.pdf
- Invited Expert to participate at Search Conference on NanoTechnology Roadmap for Turkey 2030, Organized by Sabanci Holding / University in 2007
Journal Manuscript Refereeing / Evaluator
- IEEE Transactions on Solid State Circuits
- IEEE Sensors Journal
- IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
- IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
- IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics
- Microelectronics Journal
- Sensors and Actuators A- Physical
- Sensors and Actuators B – Chemical
- Journal of Sensors and Materials
- An International Journal on Sensor Technology – Sensors and Materials
- Solid-State Electronics
Conference Paper Reviewing
- International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- IEEE Sensors Conference
- European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference
- European Microwave Conference
Workshop Organizations
- Organized International Microelectronics-Thematic Workshop Series (2014, 2015, and 2016) (https://sumicro.sabanciuniv.edu) at Sabanci University with more than 1000 participants in total and close 100 invited speakers, at least 70 of them are the world leaders in their areas of research/expertise
- TARGET - the International Summer School on RF Technology, Devices, Circuits and Systems (August 29 through September 2, 2005)
- Info Day on Micro/Nano Systems: organized at Sabanci University as part of our MINEAST-NET project activities on April 20, 2005
- Microelectronics 2004 – Career Day, January 2004
- Special Conference Sessions on Nanostructures for Gas Sensor Applications http://ewh.ieee.org/tc/sensors/sensors2004/
- Workshop/Conference on Optics, Optoelectronics and Photonics (2004), http://elop2004.sabanciuniv.edu/
- Title of the Workshop: Sabancı University, International Workshop on Microelectronics Technology, Circuits, and Systems for Space Applications, 2014, 2015, 2016, Sabanci University Istanbul Turkey (https://sumicro.sabanciuniv.edu )
- Member of IEEE (Societies: MTT-S, Circuits and Systems, Electron Devices Societies)
- Member of SPIE
Contact Address
Sabancı University
Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences (FENS)
Orhanli, Tuzla, 34956, Istanbul, TURKEY
Office Phone: +90 (216) 483 95 33,
Fax: +90 (216) 483 95 50
Email: yasar@sabanciuniv.edu
Office Location: FENS - 1044