Microelectronics Technology, Circuits, and
Systems for Space Applications Workshop
June 1-2 2016 Sabanci University Istanbul Turkey

We are organizing our 3rd Microelectronics Workshop that focuses on microelectronics, from technology to circuits and systems perspective, and its applications on sensing and processing electronic systems for space applications. Ever increasing space applications are demanding more challenges to be met by microelectronics technology/circuits/systems, especially for autonomous, flexible and reliable systems in space. In this workshop, we aim to address some of following challenges through invited lectures given by world-renowned experts in their respective fields from academia, industries and research institutions.

Main Topics

  • Radar and Communication Technologies
  • Electro-Optical Imaging Systems: Technology and Applications
  • Micro and Nano Technologies
  • Terahertz Technology and Systems
  • Packaging, Testing and Qualification

Each talk includes a brief tutorial, current state of the art and future vision of the respective topic and will be of interest to technology leaders/managers, engineers, researchers, academicians and students from around the world. Additionally, with the poster session, each author will have a chance to present their outcomes and share the results of their products.

The workshop will be at Sabanci University campus in Tuzla - Istanbul, Turkey.

Contact person for details: Prof. Yasar Gurbuz // yasar@sabanciuniv.edu

Website of Microelectronics Workshop 2014: http://sumicro.sabanciuniv.edu/sumicro2014

Website of Microelectronics Workshop 2015: http://sumicro.sabanciuniv.edu/sumicro2015

Check out photos from the previous event: https://www.facebook.com/sumicro.sabanciuniv.edu

Call for Abstracts for Poster Session

Sabanci University Microelectronics Workshop will include poster presentations as well as presentations of invited speakers. Poster presentations will give a chance for detailed description of the presented work, with one-to-one discussion between authors and workshop attendees.

The purpose of this call is to encourage researchers to present their work that represents recent and state of the art results and new challenges in the defined field of research topics.

Take part in the poster sessions: submit an abstract for a poster presentation alongside our invited plenary program. To present your latest research at the Workshop, please submit your abstracts by April 15th 2016.

Organizing Committee

Oguz Altun, ASELSAN A.S.
Deniz Demirci, Undersecretariat for Defence Industries
Prof. Dr. Yasar Gurbuz, Sabanci University
Erdal Sayginer, ASELSAN A.S.
Hacer Selamoglu, ASELSAN A.S.
Melik Yazici, Sabanci University

Scientific Committee

Prof. Goutam Chattopadhyay, NASA-JPL, Caltech, USA
Prof. John Cressler, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Yasar Gurbuz, Sabanci University, Turkey (Organizer)
Prof. Antoni Rogalski, Military University of Technology, Poland
Prof. Hermann Schumacher, University of Ulm, Germany
Prof. Bernd Tillack, IHP-Microelectronics, University of Berlin, Germany

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: March 18th, 2016
Acceptance Approval: April 15th, 2016

Microelectronics Workshop 2016 Photos

Invited Speakers

Dr. Bora M. Onat

Bora Technologies, LLC, USA

Prof. Harish Krishnaswamy

Columbia University, USA

Prof. Lorenzo Faraone

University of Western Australia

Dr. Ephraim Suhir

Bell Laboratories, Portland State University and ERS Co., USA

Prof. Hossein Hashemi

University of Southern California, USA

DI Peter Thorwartl

SO-LOGIC, Austria

Prof. Ernesto Diéguez

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Prof. Jean-Pierre Raskin

Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Robert Aigner

Qorvo, Apopka – Florida, USA

Prof. Guna Selvaduray

San Jose State University, USA

Prof. Ken-ya Hashimoto

Chiba University, Japan

Prof. Zeynep Çelik-Butler

University of Texas at Arlington, USA